Hey, we're Claire and Chris. We decided to buy a derelict retail premises during a global pandemic... so you could say we like a challenge! After 12 months of renovation works, we opened our bricks and mortar store in June 2022 and we named it after our children, Henrietta and Florence. Our website allows customers outside the Wigan area to visit our store virtually.

The store is a culmination of our skills in property development and interior design. It realised Chris's ability to tackle any building or trade task and Claire's retail knowledge. With a background of 18 years in retail, at companies such as Selfridges & Co, and also over six years of online retail experience it felt like the natural progression for Claire to run her own physical store.


We have sympathetically restored our 1840's property, keeping as many original features as possible including the timber flooring and uncovering the rustic brickwork to create a feature wall. Chris has used traditional building techniques to do extensive restorative works to the shopfront and even learnt the skill of signwriting.

With a passion for home interiors Claire instantly knew that the store would stock homewares and decorative items. Her love of vintage pieces means you will find a large selection of these quality items in our store. We support several local artisans by stocking their items in our store and we carefully choose all our suppliers, ensuring they share our brand values and are working towards sustainability and minimising their impact on the environment. 

We would love to meet you in person in our store, but if you don't live close enough then I hope you enjoy your experience on our website and please follow us on our social media platforms to get to know us a little better.